PHP is a server side programming language to develop web applications.The mostly used programming language for Web Applications in the world is PHP
PHP & MYSQL Course Content
- Introduction of PHP
- Why PHP?
- What is PHP?
- History of PHP
- Request, Response, Web server, Web Browser.
- Introduction to server side scripting and client side scripting languages
- Advantages /features of PHP
- Installation and configuration
- Exploring WAMP, XAMPP, LAMP tools
- Declaration Tags in PHP
- PHP fundamentals and declaration
- Variables in PHP
- Output functions
- Error Messages in PHP
- Data Types in PHP
Scalar Data types
Compound Data types
Resource Data types
- Data type conversion
- Conditional and Looping statements
- Mathematical functions in php
- Arrays
- What is an array?
- Why we need arrays?
- Types of Arrays
- Array functions
- Strings
- What is a String?
- Declaration of strings in PHP
- String handling functions
- Files
- Files and File handling functions
- Directory Handling functions
- mail() function
- Date and Time functions
- header() function
file downloading with header
- User Defined Functions
- What is a function?
- What is Called area and Calling Area
- parameterized functions
- Exception Handling
- Control Structures
- include
- include_once
- require
- require_once
- PHP Server Configuration Settings( httpd.conf )
- PHP Configuration Settings ( php.ini )
- Super Global Variables
- $_GET[]
- $_POST[]
- $_SERVER[]
- $_FILES[][]
- $_COOKIE[]
- Introduction
- Math Functions
- String Functions
- DML (Data Manipulation Language) Statements
- DDL (Data Definition Language) Statements
- DCL (Data Control Language) Statements
- TCL (Transaction Control Language)Statement
- Joins
- Views
- Stored Procedures
- Mysql Injection
- AJAX Introduction
- AJAX Example
- AJAX Request
- AJAX Response
- AJAX Events
Object Oriented Programming in PHP
- What is Object Oriented Programming?
- Advantages of Object Oriented Programming
- What is a Class?
- Declaring Properties and Methods in class
- How to call Class Members(properties/methods):
- Constructor and Destructor
- this, self, parent,static keywords
- Access Specifiers (or) Visibility
Object Oriented Principles
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Abstraction (oops supported principle)
- Polymorphism
- Interfaces
MVC Architecture
- What is MVC
- Why MVC?
- Advantages of MVC
- Model
- View
- Controller
- Uploading projects in Web Servers
- Upload using FTP
- Upload using Cpanel
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PHP Frameworks and CMS(Content Management System)
Frameworks | CMS(Content Management System) |
Code Ignitor | Drupal |
Cake PHP | Joomla |
ZEND | WordPress |
Symphony | E-commerce cms |
Laravel | Magento |
Slim | Opencart |
PHP MVC | Prestashop |
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